Then, add a -nochromium property, launch G-Mod, get the crash log. Install x86_64 beta of G-Mod, load it, get the crash log. I've confirmed this is exclusive to x86_64 and Chromium builds I just pulled out an old, shitty Mac laptop and ran the regular 32-bit GMOD on it. If it helps, also, here is what shows up in Terminal. From the Betas tab, click on the Dropdown menu and select 'x86-64 - Chromium + 64-bit Binaries'. In the properties window, switch to the 'Betas' tab. You can follow progress in the next-update channel of the GMod Discord. Open Steam, then right click Garry's Mod from your Library games list. The GMod devs are working on a fix by updating the game to use Chromium/CEF. Added check for 64-bit and Chromium Garrys Mod branches When outdated. As for why this mod broke, YouTube has stopped supporting old video encodings which GMod relied on. dmp file from March, when I began having this problem in the first place. Garrys Mod is a sandbox game by Facepunch built with Valves Source engine. My livelihood depends on this and the fact this continues to get worse without any real progress is incredibly disheartening. and then, the old bug re-emerged – as soon as addons began being loaded, it crashed. When I did this, it cleared the blue loading screen. I found a thread here which suggested adding the -nochromium parameter to the launch. Ive made my API Key and encourage my players to be on Chromium branch, but before I purchase, I just want to know if theres a function for players to disable.

Problem Reporter spat out this (pastebin) Reinstalled GMod – this time, it would crash at the blue loading screen. Currently, you must opt-in to run Chromium on GMOD, which you can do as follows: 1.

It is up-to-date with web standards, which allows HD YouTube, greater support for other videos, and better framerates. However, after sending in my MacBook for a repair, all data was lost and its OS was updated to Monterey 12.6. Chromium Embedded Framework is a replacement for GMOD's outdated Awesomium integrated browser. There was a workaround – when the crash window dialog opened, I'd just choose "reopen" and a _signed GMod app would open and work flawlessly. After disabling all addons and loading the game, it would crash after the moment in time that the addons would have began loading. Each time, it would load to menu, and then as it began to load addons, it would crash. This means if you call DHTML.AddFunction, DHTML.QueueJavascript, or DHTML.RunJavascript before the page begins loading, it WILL NOT WORK! Make sure you're calling them in DHTML.OnBeginLoadingDocument or later.Since the March update, Garry's Mod has refused to run on my M1 MacBook.⚠ Developers: Site Isolation is now turned on! Javascript state now gets destroyed on navigation, like how normal web browsers work.Note: CEF updates happen independently of CEFCodecFix releases.

Updated CEF to 114.2.10 (Chromium 1.110) on All Platforms.